FAQs: Legislative Redistricting in Connecticut

Jul 6, 2020

School + State Finance Project Original Content

With the 2020 U.S. Census currently being conducted, another decennial tradition is set to occur in Connecticut — redrawing the state’s legislative districts. Every 10 years, the Connecticut General Assembly is charged with redrawing the boundaries for the state’s House of Representatives, State Senate, and congressional districts. This process, known as “redistricting,” is defined in the Connecticut Constitution and is often political, as the end result could impact which party is more likely to win a given seat based on the demographics and party affiliation of the district’s residents. This frequently asked questions document summarizes Connecticut's legislative redistricting process and the role the legislature plays.


School and State Finance Project. (2020). FAQs: Legislative Redistricting in Connecticut. New Haven, CT: Author. Retrieved from http://ctstatefinance.org/resources/uploads/files/Connecticut-Legislative-Redistricting.pdf.

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